Causal Effect Functions
These functions create individual level causal effects, tau_i, that can be combined with a potential outcome to control to create a potential outcome to treatment.
tau_norm(ybase, tau_sds, covariate)
tau_norm_outliers(ybase, tau_sds, covariate)
tau_norm_covariate(ybase, tau_sds, covariate)
tau_norm_covariate_outliers(ybase, tau_sds, covariate)
tau_norm_covariate_cont(ybase, tau_sds, covariate)
tau_norm_covariate_levels(ybase, tau_sds, covariate)
A vector of individual level causal effects (taus) that we will add to ybase (potential outcome to control) to get y1var or potential outcome to treatment.
: A basic function with no outlierstau_norm_outliers()
: Draws from a Normal but also adds a few outliers.tau_norm_covariate()
: A basic function that specifies a tau_sds*2 size effect if cov>median(cov) and otherwise is a tau_sds/2 size effect. The idea is to keep the average individual effect size the same as other functions — i.e. about tau_sds — but to make a strong but simple relationship with a covariate.tau_norm_covariate_outliers()
: A basic function that specifies a tau_sds size effect if cov>median(cov) and otherwise is a tau_sds/4 size effecttau_norm_covariate_cont()
: A basic function that specifies a tau_sds size effect if cov>median(cov) and otherwise is a tau_sds/4 size effecttau_norm_covariate_levels()
: A basic function that specifies a tau_sds size effect that varies, randomly, by level of covariate. We envision this to be used with covariate that have relatively few levels into which the outcome values can be grouped.