Create treatment effect, then add tau and test using the SIUP method
This function returns a function that carries with it the environment containing the arguments. The idea is to make parallelization easier.
trtid = "trt",
fmla = Y ~ trtF | blockF,
by_block = TRUE,
ncores = 1,
splitfn = NULL,
covariate = NULL,
splitby = NULL,
thealpha = 0.05,
stop_splitby_constant = TRUE,
return_details = FALSE
- idat
Individual level data
- bdat
Data at the block level.
- blockid
A character name of the column in idat and bdat indicating the block.
- trtid
Is the name of the treatment numeric, (0,1), variable
- fmla
A formula with outcome~treatment assignment | block where treatment assignment and block must be factors.
- ybase
Is the potential outcome to control upon which the treatment effect will be built
- prop_blocks_0
Is the proportion of blocks with no effects at all
- tau_fn
Is a function that turns ybase into the potential outcome under treatment — it is a treatment effect creating function.
- tau_size
Is the parameter for the tau_fn — like the true average effect size within a block.
- by_block
Is an argument to create_effects to create true effects by block or across the whole dataset
- pfn
A function to produce pvalues — using idat.
- afn
A function to adjust alpha at each step. Takes one or more p-values plus a stratum or batch indicator.
- p_adj_method
Is "split" to use findBlocks for top-down testing and "fdr" or "holm" etc to use stats::p.adjust and do the test in every block.
- nsims
Is the number of simulations to run — each simulation uses the same treatment effects be re-assigns treatment (re-shuffles treatment and re-reveals the observed outcomes as a function of the potential outcomes)
- ncores
Tells p-value functions how many cores to use. Mostly ignored in use of this function because we are tending to parallelize at higher loops.
- splitfn
A function to split the data into two pieces — using bdat
- covariate
is the name of a covariate to be used in created covariate dependent treatment effects. If NULL then the tau_fn should not use a covariate. If "newcov", then create a new covariate with a known (moderate) relationship with the potential outcome under control. This relationship is currently fixed with an R^2 of about .1.
- splitby
A string indicating which column in bdat contains a variable to guide splitting (for example, a column with block sizes or block harmonic mean weights or a column with a covariate (or a function of covariates))
- thealpha
Is the error rate for a given test (for cases where alphafn is NULL, or the starting alpha for alphafn not null)
- stop_splitby_constant
TRUE is the algorithm should stop splitting when the splitting criteria is constant within set/parent or whether it should continue but split randomly.
- return_details
TRUE means that the function should return a list of the original data ("detobj"), a summary of the results ("detresults"), and a node level dataset ("detnodes"). Default here is FALSE. Only use TRUE when not using simulations.