Repeat experiment, reveal treatment effects from the potential outcomes, test within each block, summarize
The function does hypothesis tests within blocks and then summarizes the results of this testing across the blocks. It is designed for use by padj_test_fn.
fmla = NULL,
p_adj_method = "fdr",
afn = NULL,
splitfn = NULL,
splitby = NULL,
thealpha = 0.05,
copydts = FALSE,
stop_splitby_constant = FALSE,
ncores = 1,
return_details = FALSE
- idat
Individual level data
- bdat
Data at the block level.
- blockid
A character name of the column in idat and bdat indicating the block.
- trtid
Is the name of the treatment numeric, (0,1), variable
- fmla
A formula with outcome~treatment assignment where treatment assignment is a factor
- ybase
Is the potential outcome to control upon which the treatment effect will be built
- y1var
Is the name of the potential outcome to treatment
- prop_blocks_0
Is the proportion of blocks with no effects at all
- tau_fn
Is a function that turns ybase into the potential outcome under treatment — it is a treatment effect creating function.
- tau_size
Is the parameter for the tau_fn — like the true average effect size within a block.
- pfn
A function to produce pvalues — using idat.
- p_adj_method
Is an input to p.adjust like "fdr" or "holm" to use adjust_block_tests
- afn
NULL. Not used. Included here to enable same functions to call this function and reveal_po_and_test_siup
- splitfn
Must be null. Only exists so that we can use the same efffect creation and testing function for both approaches.
- splitby
Must be null. Only exists so that we can use the same efffect creation and testing function for both approaches.
- thealpha
Is the error rate for a given test (for cases where alphafn is NULL, or the starting alpha for alphafn not null)
- copydts
TRUE or FALSE. TRUE if using findBlocks standalone. FALSE if copied objects are being sent to findBlocks from other functions.
- stop_splitby_constant
FALSE (not used here because this algorithm does not split) is the algorithm should stop splitting when the splitting criteria is constant within set/parent or whether it should continue but split randomly.
- ncores
The number of cores or threads to use for the test statistic creation and possible permutation testing
- return_details
TRUE means that the function should return a list of the original data ("detobj"), a summary of the results ("detresults"), and a node level dataset ("detnodes"). Default here is FALSE. Only use TRUE when not using simulations.
False positive proportion out of the tests across the blocks, The false discovery rate (proportion rejected of false nulls out of all rejections), the power of the adjusted tests across blocks (the proportion of correctly rejected hypotheses out of all correct hypotheses — in this case correct means non-null), and power of the unadjusted test (proportion correctly rejected out of all correct hypothesis, but using unadjusted p-values).